gnome "storage" project, smart windows

Matt Price matt.price at
Tue Dec 13 08:54:58 UTC 2005

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 11:24:55PM -0500, 'Forum Post wrote:
> "Searching" is the problem. It's a stupid idea for a machine which you
> control. I cannot tell the folks at wired where to put their pages, but
> I most certainly can do this on my own machine.
but you never screw up?  or get confused about which project you put
stuff in?  

> I've been working on a project that solves this from the ground up; it
> works with legacy systems via "snooping" on selected folders and
> squirreling things away as they appear. Files are stored in a fixed
> heirarchy and their metadata stored in an easily accessed sqlite
> database (of course it could be made "real" sql if needed).
> In an image containing about 50,000 files I can "search" and (for
> example) buuild an mp3 playlist or an image collection in the time it
> takes to type the constraints and hit enter. Because the original paths
> are also stored as metadata this also works just dandy with systme files
> - for example, every debian package downloaded via synaptic gets
> catalogued and then symbolically linked back into the "cache." This is
> a zero maintenance way to build a local repository.

hmm, well that sounds very interesting and I'd lvoe to try it out.
how about e.g. full text earching of structured documents like
open-document files?  I like that feature in beaggle...

> slocate has been a part of linux since about forever. It's stable,
> fast, and mature - it's just stupid to redesign that functionality from
> the ground up just so you can piggyback on the latest gee-whiz memory
> gobbling design platform.

hmm, to be honest I find locate utterly inadequate to the task of
searching, since it searches on names, not contents.  maybe slocte is


Matt Price	    matt.price at
History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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