Unix is categorised ???

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Tue Dec 13 07:38:01 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 23:22 -0800, Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> "UNIX Type: L8  	A standard UNIX based server. This is the most common
> value returned by servers, and this indicates that the server supports
> UNIX file naming and directory listing conventions. This string may
> also include additional information such as the specific variant of
> UNIX and its version. The L8 portion of the string is a convention
> that lets the client know that a byte consists of 8 bits."

Thanks Daniel, so it has a tiny little bit to do with Unix in the end,
but still no Unix categories, only an identifier (eventually).

I am particularly intrigued to read that a "byte" does not necessarily
hold 8 bits. As a (young) electronic engineer I am scared to see that
none of my professors throughout the years, never ever even vaguely
suggested that a byte was not necessarily 8 bits. My electronic world is
now collapsing, I'm gonna blow a fuse soon, I need explanations,
While on the subject, please don't tell me that a bit can hold more than
two states, or I think I will grab a shotgun and give it all up !! ;-)

Vince, won't be able to find sleep tonight...

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