INPROCESS Re: root password...[ubuntu 5.10 installation issues]

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Tue Dec 13 03:01:37 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Dec 13, David did say:

> First: Debian install has improved greatly, but is not as simple as Ubuntu 
> or Mandrake etc.

Good to know!

> Second: Debian package management is the BEST... my opinion, and i'm 
> sticking to it. Ubuntu uses Debian, so Ubuntu is also the best.
Even better (since I did choose ubuntu, err make that the kubuntu
version) which according to, " it is an
official part of Ubuntu. All our packages are in the same archives." And
further says about getting help... "For questions not related to KDE in
Ubuntu (such as hardware problems) you are better asking on general
Ubuntu lists" So I guess ubuntu-users is stuck with me... {lucky them <grin>}
> Third: all distros tend to have strengths and weaknesses. Ubuntu has less 
> weaknesses than most, so I use it. sudo/root is just a peculiarity that is 
> pretty easy to live with, and easy to bypass if you feel strongly about 
> it. Simply do <sudo passwd root> and off you go. What's the problem?

Actually it didn't take that long to find out from this thread that since
I DO, as you say, "feel strongly about it" I could fix it. The biggest
problem was that it felt like those who feel just as strongly the other
way were getting offended because I knew I didn't want to use sudo
before I read all the arguments for it. ( I never said I wouldn't read
the arguments. It's just that at least for now, I wasn't taking my closed
system there.)

> Fourth:  I've suggested here previously that there should be a comment 
> during the install about root passwords, but the gods of ubuntu have not 
> taken note.

Do gods EVER listen???

> Fifth: if you want to do your own thing, do a "server" install, activate 
> root, then build your own system using Ubuntu facilities. That's exactly 
> what I do with my servers.

nah, a kubuntu expert install with a root login, run level three start
up, And a few cherished console tools is as far as I'll have to go to do
my own thing with it. <grin>

> Sixth: For some one who doesn't have time, you have a lot of time to write 
> emails. I could have done 3 installs in the time it would have taken to 
> type your emails ;------)))

3 familiar installs where I didn't need to find out anything new I too
could have done. (probably in only the time it took for my pc to
transmit all that text...) Well maybe that's stretching it a little...

But I can't help it, I really don't think in pictures so my brain has to
process the proverbial thousand word equivalent to complete each
thought... No wonder I'm so wordy! Which reminds me of something I came
up with because some smuck was dumb enough to ask me why I put
(theWordy) in my "Name" on emails... <see below for a chuckle if you

> Seventh: I can only count to six

That's why I use a calculator...

See ya around...


   # gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 6C2163DE #
   # You can find my public gpg key at #
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Upon being asked (once) "Why, theWordy ?" I quickly replied with this
Obviously you have never seen me in action... Though I have to admit that
with Electronic messages it's only sometimes that I prove my wordyness...
But that's because the backspace/delete keys work better on the keyboard
than they do with my mouth... None the less... If I have the time and a
subject sparks my real interest I have been known to cause more than one
reader to remember what the delete key was for...<g>
Actually I was looking for something nifty to use as a handle when...

Jenn (My daughter) took some fabric paints and a bright yellow pocket
T-shirt and made me a present that said in glow in the dark colors...
Well everyone who saw the shirt that could stop laughing long enough to say
anything said "It's you Joe, it's you!" Who am I to argue...

|  ^   ^
|  0   0	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|    ^			J(tWdy)P
|  \___/	     <<jtwdyp at>>

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