Bouncing Mail

Todd Slater dontodd at
Mon Dec 12 17:20:09 UTC 2005

On 12/12/05, David M. Carney <carney1979 at> wrote:
> I have an internet domain name.
> I keep getting spam at info@<mydomainame>.org.
> These people keep wanting to sell me web hosting services that I don't want or
> need.
> Their emails have a link to supposedly "de-list" yourself from their emails,
> but I suspect if I click on it, they'll know they got a "live one" and really
> start hammering me with spam, etc.
> I have the standard Ubuntu mail setup. Is there a way to filter any mail
> addressed to this address (info@<mydomainame>.org) so it will generate a
> bounced mail (no known address) to the sender?

Check /etc/aliases to see if you're aliasing info to your account. You
can delete the alias and run newaliases.


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