Empty trash doesn't empty the trash completely

Giorgos pinkisntwell at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 09:26:04 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 09:56 +0800, rpowersau at gmail.com wrote:
>         Giorgos wrote:
>         | I've had this problem for a while, if I click "Empty Trash"
>         only the 
>         | files deleted recently will be emptied. There are ~90 files
>         that don't
>         | get deleted. If I open Trash and delete them manually it
>         works (so
>         | obviously I do have the permissions.
>         |
>         | Should I just delete them manually and file a bug? 
> Are they files that you deleted as root? Is do you won't have
> permission to delete them as a user. You'll have to sudo to delete
> them.
Read my original message. If I go inside the Trash and delete them
manually it works so I obviously have the permissions.

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