Enabling and Disabling applications at startup

Seth Hasani sepheebear at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 09:09:11 UTC 2005

<quote who="Steve Zatz" on Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 01:45:44PM EST>

> I thought that I had seen a configuration menu that let you enable or
> disable applications like mysql and apache2 at startup but I can't find it,
> and I may have been imagining things.  I am aware of applications like
> rcconf but I am wondering if there is a gnome app that allows you to manage
> startup applications.  I realize that there is a Sessions management menu
> item under Preferences but that seems (not surprisingly) to manage
> session-specific applications and not the general startup sequence.

Another app to try out that I find to be  a little more comprehensive is
called "bum" or Boot Up Manager. It's in universe.
    'sudo aptitude install bum'


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