Nxviewer options?

neil woolford lists at neilwoolford.plus.com
Sat Dec 10 20:46:00 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 18:04 +0000, David Hart wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 05:07:18PM +0000, neil woolford wrote:
> > Hi, I'm trying to gain remote access to my brother's computer for
> > maintenance and training.
> What you don't say is what Desktop/OS you and your brother are using.
> Gnome/Kde/WinXP/Win98...???  It's difficult to suggest anything
> without knowing what is connecting to what.

Ubuntu with Gnome at both ends.

> Most of the modern systems have something built in and I would try them 
> first.
> Ubuntu/Gnome has Terminal Server Client which works well over fast and
> slow links and even does sound when connected to WinXP.

Yes, though I've found the cursor and redraws seem to lag compared to
Nxviewer, which is why I'm trying that for now.  The one problem I have
with Nxviewer is that the command line options aren't well documented.
I can find lists of them, but no proper explanations of what they do...

> KDE has one (forgotten the name) with the nice feature that you can 
> shrink the screen (so you don't have to scroll) when you're connected to
> a higher resolution box.

Not a problem here, as I'm running a nice big 1600x1200 screen on my
box.  Could be handy for working the other way round though.

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