Empty trash doesn't empty the trash completely

Giorgos pinkisntwell at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 07:29:37 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 21:55 -0800, Ed Fletcher wrote:

> You weren't using a mountable filesystem were you?  I had this happen
> when I used nautilus to delete files from a USB hard drive and then
> unmounted the drive before emptying the trash.  I couldn't get rid of
> them except by opening a terminal, cd'ing to the trash directory and
> doing it by hand.  Or by reattaching the usb drive and then it would
> work from the panel icon menu.
> Drove me nuts until I figured it out.

I do use a USB drive at times, but the files that wouldn't get deleted
were not from that drive. Files deleted from that USB drive go to
the .Trash.(name) in the same drive.

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