User Permission on USB Stick

Phillip Susi psusi at
Thu Dec 8 05:03:35 UTC 2005

You might try using udf instead of ext3.  It seems to be able to store unix file permissions, and windows understands it too.

'Forum Post wrote:
> Most USB sticks are formatted to FAT32, because this is a good "works on
> just about everything" filesystem.
> Unfortunately FAT does not contain unix-like permissions (or any
> permissions at all possibly), so moving things to and from your disk is
> always going to stuff permissions up.
> The fix is to format it as ext3, but be aware that it will then not
> work on Windows.  IIRC there is an ext3 filesystem you can install on
> windows somewhere out there if you are just using a single windows
> box.
> The other option is putting multiple partitions on your USB drive (i.e.
> one FAT32 and one ext3).
> L.

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