filesystem and mounting problems

Geoff Purchase lists at
Wed Dec 7 21:36:40 UTC 2005

Toby Kelsey wrote:
> Geoff-lists wrote:
>>[4296011.463000] VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hde1.
> The fdisk and fstab look OK. As well as creating the partition, you need
> to set up a filesystem. If you're not sure whether you have one, try
>   e2fsck -v /dev/hde1
> to check.  To create an ext3 filesystem:
>   mke2fs -vj /dev/hde1
> and use tune2fs to adjust the mount checks if required.
> Toby
Thanks, I'll check when I get home.  The command I used was mke2fs -j /dev/hde1, I'll checkout what the -v option does seeing as I didn't use it originally.


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