Execution of java and javac commands

Alfred Vahau alf.vahau at upng.ac.pg
Wed Dec 7 08:21:31 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 14:57 +0000, Dick Davies wrote:
> > On 12/5/05, Alfred Vahau <Alf.Vahau at upng.ac.pg> wrote:
> > >  How can I get the system to recognize that java and javac are on the
> > > environment path? I have tried rebooting (I didn't think this was necessary
> > > but tried anyway and it didn't make a difference.) For noting the execution
> > > of the java command is successful when I am in the directory containing the
> > > command and issuing a command for an example like so:
> > >
> > >  ./java -jar SampleTree.jar
> Add the directory you are in to the path.
> I should point out that /usr/bin/java is supposed to be a symlink into
> /etc/alternatives.
> If you install a jdk 'The Debian (Ubuntu) Way[1], you'd use :
> update-alternatives --set java /path/to/java command
> to point the /usr/bin/java symlink where you want it to be.
> Do the same thing for javac, rmid, etc.
> (some of these are taken care of automatically for you if you install with
> java-package) .
> [1]: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/142
> --
> Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
> http://number9.hellooperator.net/
Thanks. I'll try this pointer first and report the outcome to the list.
But I came to a conclusion overnight (10 hours ahead of GMT) that maybe
it was doing the installation the non-debian way that led to the
problem. I have downloaded the rpm packages from the Java site and will
convert them to the deb packages prior to installation. I hope that the
system will take care of itself this way. I already had an experience
with the installation of the OpenOffice2.0 with the help of the list so
I am sure that will be the way to go.


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