Hauppauge WinTV working
Dana J. Laude
dlaude at usadig.com
Tue Dec 6 06:19:54 UTC 2005
Another FYI,
I just switched over from SuSE 10.0 to kubuntu and have my Hauppauge
WinTV card working with Tvtime. Specifics on the card are:
Hauppaugge WinTV model 44801, rev D153, tuner model is a
LGTP18NSR13F, decoder BT878.
Basically, what happens is the card is seen as a type 10 card, but the
tuner is 4, which does not work. So, just do the following:
"sudo vi /etc/modprob.d/bttv" and then add the following line...
"options bttv card=10 tuner=27". (you can change the vi to you're
favorite editor btw) Quotes shoutd not be added.
After this, you should reboot and then fire up tvtime, or kdetv.
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