Password Manager Available for Gnome?

Peter Stoddard peter at
Sun Dec 4 19:02:27 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 11:38 +0100, Alexander Volovics wrote:

> While universe most certainly provides revelation-0.4.3 it might
> be more convenient to compile the revelation-0.4.5 tarball as it
> contains some usefull additions and bugfixes. 
> Alexander

Thanks.  That sounds like a good idea.  But maybe you can answer a

I downloaded the desktop version of ubuntu bbadger, but I didn't get any
developer stuff.  I downloaded gcc and associated libs, but I still need
more files (I don't know which) in order to be able to compile from
source.  With Apple, there is a Developer package you can download (~700
MB).  Is there something similar in bbadger, or a way to download
individual files I'll need to compile not only revelation but other
things too?  How do I know which ones I will need?


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