How to make gnome menu logo changes as icon theme changes?

leon sdl.web at
Sun Dec 4 13:53:24 UTC 2005

Robbo <ml at> writes:

 | On Sat, 2005-12-03 at 11:45 -0800, Daniel Robitaille wrote:
 | > On 12/3/05, leon <sdl.web at> wrote:
 | > >
 | > > I guess breezy use a absolute path in this icon.
 | > >
 | > > It's inconvenient since without root privilege user won't be able to
 | > > change the ubuntu logo which doesn't fit some themes. Bug?
 | > 
 | >
 | > 
 | > >From from last comment in that bug report it seems it can be done at
 | > the theme level (i.e, you don't need to be root, and any user can do
 | > it when installing a properly created theme):
 | > 
 | > 'You can copy an "distributor-logo.png" to your theme, as a
 | > workaround, it'll be used before the ubuntu logo.'
 | As another workaround if you remove/rename
 | "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png", it will
 | default to the themed one.

Thank you for your help.

.     *                                       .
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.   /..'\     to manufacture                  .
.   /'.'\   and the hardest things to sell    .
.  /.''.'\                                    .
.  /.'.'.\                                    .
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.                                             .
.Leon                                         .

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