OT- Games, gamers, and gaming machines

Charles E "RIck" Taylor IV rick at rickandpatty.com
Sat Dec 3 16:18:50 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-12-03 at 12:30 +0530, (रेवंत) Revant Nandgaonkar wrote:
> If you are using linux and jimmy want's to play tux cart, your
> financial data is little bit safer than windows. just dont let jimmy
> use root user for playing games.

You don't need root access to damage the machine itself - only physical
access. :)

*  Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <rick at rickandpatty.com>
*  Web: http://www.rickandpatty.com
* Blog: http://shrimpandgrits.rickandpatty.com

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