Daily backups

Kim Briggs patiodragon at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 15:55:23 UTC 2005

On 12/2/05, Phillip Susi <psusi at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to set up a system to perform automated
> daily incremental and weekly full backups.  So far I have no problem
> using tar for a weekly full backup, but now I'm trying to get it to
> perform daily incremental backups.  I found the --newer-mtime option
> that looks like it should do the trick for daily backups, but I have a
> few small issues still left to work out:
> 1) tar gets very noisy with --newer-mtime; it spits out a line for every
> file that it does NOT backup because it's too old
> 2) tar seems to include all directories in the archive, regardless of
> their mtime.  This doesn't really hurt anything I suppose, but it seems
> wasteful.
> 3) I need a way to generate a date string automatically for yesterday.
> Something like `date --yesterday`.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> --
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I agree with the first reply.  You should try rsync.  I have very
basic needs, but life has been real good since I started using a
fileserver and rsync to backup my files.  You sound like you have more
sophisticated requirements, but here are my notes I made for a friend
of mine to get started.


Hope it helps,

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