
leon sdl.web at
Sat Dec 3 07:44:54 UTC 2005

"Michael R. Head" <burner at> writes:

 | On Sat, 2005-12-03 at 01:27 +0100, Mark Doeglas wrote:
 | > It seems that gnome-vfs-sftp is missing in Breezy  Who knows where I can get it?
 | If you mean the backend for the gnome-vfs that handles ssh:// urls, it
 | comes with gnomevfs. Nautilus can by default open locations like
 | 'ssh://localhost/home' or whatever.
 | Did you mean something else?
 | mike

Menu -> Places -> Connect to server ...

Is it able to connect via ssh?

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.   /..'\     to manufacture                  .
.   /'.'\   and the hardest things to sell    .
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.                                             .
.Leon                                         .

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