kDevelop (and tools) on Ubuntu

Darryl Clarke smartssa at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 19:56:33 UTC 2005


Today I installed a bunch of kDevelop stuff and Qt4 to attempt to do
some programming, kDevelop seems to work fine, I've built a few
samples and had no issues.  But I've run into a small snag:

dclarke at beer:~$ kdevassistant
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
QPainter::setPen: Will be reset by begin()
KCrash: Application 'kdevassistant' crashing...

dclarke at beer:~$ kdevdesigner
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
QPainter::setPen: Will be reset by begin()
KCrash: Application 'kdevdesigner' crashing...

Does anybody know what I'm missing?


~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at gmail.com
http://smartssa.com / http://darrylclarke.com

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