Ubuntu Install and boot issue V5.10

'Forum Post ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Dec 1 21:49:40 UTC 2005

I did discover something else.  Ubuntu will boot if I move the HD from
the Trios directly to the IDE2.  Let me also explain why 6 drives.  I
work in a support center and at one time we were supporting our
software on W*95, 98,  ME, NT, 2000, and XP.  95 is no longer supported
so I have an extra drive and wanted to install a Linux version and

Now, here's what I tried.  With all three drives connected to the one
trios Ubuntu will boot to the splash screen then deliver the error
message and go no further.  I removed the power from the two "other"
drives that has Windoze installed, left Ubuntu connected to the Trios
and it booted fine.  I supsect Linux may be seeing the other two dirves
connected and naming them hda1 and hda2 and leaving Linux hda3.  Just my
uneducated guess.

I need to know how to find out where the grub.conf file is and see
where it is looking during boot up.

Thanks for your help.



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