OT- Games, gamers, and gaming machines

Charles E "RIck" Taylor IV rick at rickandpatty.com
Thu Dec 1 20:44:51 UTC 2005

And for the other side... :)

On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 00:49 +0530, (रेवंत) Revant Nandgaonkar wrote:
> Games on Computer are easily hackable, Jack uses one machine for
> jack's your work and play.

But Jack's smart and realizes that it's probably not such a good idea to
install a bunch of games on the same PC that he keeps all of his
financial data in.

> you buy computer because you know it is basic need, you dont have
> gaming machine under that list,

On the other hand, a console (unless you absolutely have to have one on
the day of release) will cost much less than a computer that's usable
for actual gaming - unless you consider gaming to be running SNES
emulators and MAME, that is.

> Computer is upgrade able, gaming machines are not.

More to the point, computers HAVE to be upgraded to keep up with games,
while a current game console does not.  The game console has a longer
usable life for gaming than a typical computer, and it usually costs
much less.  (How many of you haven't upgraded the computer you play
games on since 2000?  For reference, that's when the PS2 came out.)

Why do people use computers for games?
- They like the kinds of games that play better with a keyboard/mouse
than a handheld controller.  (FPS games, strategy games, MMORPGs, etc.)
These people think that console controllers stink.
- It's convenient if you're working on the computer ANYWAY.
- Emulation - MAME, console emulators are easily installable on a
computer.  Less so on a console (if at all).
- Mods are easier.
- Lots of homebrew games.
- The *#$* interlace flicker and poor resolution on cheap TVs that some
people hook their consoles to.

Why do people use consoles?
- Big screens and big sound.  Consoles are an easier fit in the home
entertainment room, since most are smaller than a gaming PC and less
- No hassle.  On a console, you put in a game and play.  You don't have
to tweak a console just to get a game to run at an acceptable frame
rate.  You don't have to worry about whether the game is compatible with
your hardware.  You don't have to install anything - no drivers,
nothing.  (Okay, you might have to plug in bongos if you're into that
sort of thing, but ...)
- They like the kinds of games that play better with a console-type
controller.  (Fast action games, platformers, JRPGs, etc.)  These people
wonder how the heck anyone is supposed to play Silhouette Mirage with a
mouse and keyboard - or what passes for PC gamepads these days.
- Upgrades are easy.  Every five years or so, get a new console.
- Games on consoles tend to crash and/or lock up less.  Standardized
hardware DOES have some advantages, after all.

*  Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <rick at rickandpatty.com>
*  Web: http://www.rickandpatty.com
* Blog: http://shrimpandgrits.rickandpatty.com

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