Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

matt nicholson sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
Thu Dec 1 17:16:00 UTC 2005

I went ful, non-stop linux on my desktop about 3 years ago, switching to 
ubuntu from debian about a year ago. since then it has made its way on 
to my laptop as its sole OS, and on to teh computer of my roomate and my 
girlfriend, neither of which are "computer" people. now both of them use 
it far more than windows, which my roomate uses only for AutoCAD, and my 
girlfriend hasn't used yet.

rock on ubuntu.

Carlton Noles wrote:
> Not yet but I am working on it. I don't have networking yet. My goal 
> is to get Ubuntu working then eventually completely convert my box . 
> Until I get the networking sorted out though that is not even a remote 
> possibility.
> Yes most universities to push Windows development because it is 
> heavily subsidized by M$ and many businesses that use it or stand to 
> benefit through teaching it.
> On 12/1/05, *Peter McNab* <mcnab_p at melbpc.org.au 
> <mailto:mcnab_p at melbpc.org.au>> wrote:
>     MrKnisely wrote:
>     > I've replaced Windows on many systems.
>     >
>     >
>     I'm trying to but ubuntu does not recognize either (not too
>     ancient) PCI
>     network card and the online FAQs don't appear to address that aspect.
>     Its looking like one needs to revert to XP just to run a browser and
>     Subversion repository.
>     Peter
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> Carlton "Kermit" Noles
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