Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

MrKnisely mrknisely at mrknisely.is-a-geek.org
Thu Dec 1 13:54:54 UTC 2005

DC Parris wrote:

>This is something of a quick straw poll.  I'd like to know how many people
>have actually replaced Windows with Ubuntu Linux.  If you have not
>replaced Windows altogether (i.e., you're still dual-booting), there's no
>need to respond.  I'm really only interested in hearing from those who
>have completely replaced Windows.
>Thanks in advance for your time.
I've replaced Windows on many systems.

My brother's internet browser machine has been replaced.

A friend of mine's son's system is now replaced by Ubuntu too.

My wife's desktop has been replaced by Ubuntu as well.

In short... Yep, I've done just that!

Also, why is it your are not interested in those who dual boot?  The 
only reason I dual boot is for one proprietary app that I must use fow 
work purposes.

Mike K.

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