Install on Compaq R4000

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair_tocancipa at
Mon Aug 29 22:11:02 UTC 2005

Antonio Assumpção writes:

 > I try to install the latest version of ubuntu and my machine stops
 > when it start the graphic desktop
 > My machine is AMD64 3200+, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HD, 8139/810 REaltek,
 > Broadcom wireless, 4USB, ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 128 MB

I experienced also hangs with a machine with a similar
configuration. Usually they are related to the driver for the graphic
card (ati driver in xorg).

You can either:

1) Add the following to the "Device" section in your xorg.conf:

        Option         "NoAccel" "true"


2) Use the propetary ATI driver which (at least in my case) works with
   acceleration enabled on my AMD64 laptop without hangs.



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