Latest Open Office

Charles Yao yaocharlesc at
Thu Aug 25 04:37:50 UTC 2005

I have tried this script the problem i am having is to update the
different items to match the current OOo2 release. I have tried it
several times up to no avail. I know to I need to do some more editing
but im having trouble to find what else i need to change. I have
changed all references to the old version to the latest. When I ran
the script, it downloaded the latest file but it cannot seem to be
able to make the folder or something. Basically, thw problem is at
stage 2.


On 8/25/05, manicka <ulist at> wrote:
> Charles Yao Wrote:
> > the evolutioncolt is kind of old already, i tried it and it did not
> > work, primarily becasue OO2 has had a version change.
> Try the script at this wiki page
> --
> manicka
> --
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