Know anything about SSH

MrKnisely mrknisely at
Mon Aug 22 23:10:17 UTC 2005

Jonathan McLoughlin wrote:

>Troubleshouting and configuring a Blackberry SSH client to connect
>back to a workstation, the last stumbling block was with my
>/etc/ssh/sshd_config; I needed to change
># Change to yes to enable tunnelled clear text passwords
>PasswordAuthentication yes
>from 'no' to 'yes'
>and volla!!!, sweet java SSH client for blackberry (MidpSSH being the
>opensource client if anyone interested)
>Can anyone expand on the verbos description of this flag and suggest
>any additional security risks that this may cause?
All it is allowing is a simple user/password method of authentication 
instead of the Public/Private keypair.

It does allow others to guess user/pass authentication.  Also, if you 
use your POP or IMAP user/pass on the same box, it is possible that 
someone could sniff those passwords and have access to your box.

I can tell you that I am rather security consious, but I run all of my 
ssh daemons this way.  If you choose to as well, make sure you use 
strong passwords, and don't use protocols that will transmit your 
user/pass conbination in clear text (telnet, pop, imap, ftp, etc).

Hope this helps!


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