First computer language

Louis Brook l.brook at
Mon Aug 22 15:55:03 UTC 2005

On 22/08/05, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
> > How can you call C compact when it does'nt even have strings?
> >
> "It's so compact, it doesn't even have strings!"  :-)
> --
> derek
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

I started learning with Perl, initially from a web-based perspective
but I don't think you can go far wrong with Python as a first

Along with a good text, learning with Python will develop your ability
to program with objects in a straight-forward manner. No-matter what
language I'm using, I find it easier to find a solution by figuring
out how I'd tackle it in Python first and then using the equivalent
method in Java etc.

Has anyone argued Cobol yet?


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