
Michael Wardle michael at
Sat Aug 20 04:03:30 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-08-20 at 11:16 +0800, Charles Yao wrote:
> All the stafff in our office is complaining about the fonts in ubuntu
> because they think it is blurry as compared to windows is there any
> way for me to make fonts in ubuntu like those in xp?

Did you look in the Ubuntu Fonts control panel (System -> Preferences ->
Fonts)?  There should be enough options there to tune to make the fonts
look the way you like.  Try Monochrome if you prefer fonts that are
clearer and blacker but not as smooth and round.

You can also consider changing the default fonts or installing the
Microsoft Core Fonts in the msttcorefonts package from the multiverse

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