rss reader recommendations

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at
Thu Aug 18 12:57:32 UTC 2005



> I had been reading feeds in Firefox until I stumbled on this thread.
> Thanks to all who made recommendations! I have tried out a few and
> I really like Liferea. This is one of those "I didn't know I really
> needed/wanted one of those until I saw it" moments.

Just a quick note then, for you and for others - do give Bloglines[1]
a try. A web-based agregator has two features that I can't live without:

1. It works from any computer in any place (and remembers what I read,
as opposed to running one program at my workstation and another on my

2. It works 24 hours a day, so if I'm offline for the weekend I don't
miss any updates (an often-changing site with, say, 10-item feed, may
post more then 10 items when I'm offline).


-- Shot
       The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are
       composed entirely of lost airline luggage.        -- Mark Russell
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