Looking for more Unix Linux

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at web.de
Tue Aug 16 07:17:11 UTC 2005

might look like a stupid question, but i still didn't quite get what
exactly is the difference of unix operating systems and linux.. i got as
far as unix being a mere specification of an os, and i suppose that *bsd
fulfills the requirements of this specification, hence, unix-derivat,
but what then is linux?! a unix-clone...?(and what would that be?)

thanks for any pointers


hzs202 at gmail.com wrote:
> On 14/08/05 00:09 -0500, Barry Young wrote:
>>I really like Ubuntu, but I want to emulate Unix as closely as I can
>>(Without the office and GUI etc).
> A noble idea!
>>Any ideas which version of Linux would be the best?
> IMHO, no linux will do. If you would like a free unix variant to run the
> highest quality server with a true unix-like environment. I saw *BSD;
> which BSD depends on what you would like to do. Typically, this is the
> rule of thumb... 
> 1. FreeBSD - Webserver, SFTP server, file server, etc.
> 2. NetBSD - Same as above with a concentration on portability.
> 3. OpenBSD - Security... *HARDCORE* Security, not for the faint of
> heart.
> Best,


Christoph Georgi
email.  christoph.georgi at web.de
fon.	+49 (0)160 9790 3488

registered linux user #380268
ubuntu 5.04 (ubuntu.com)

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