First computer language

Rogelio Nodal rnodal at
Mon Aug 15 18:40:05 UTC 2005

Stephen R Laniel wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 10:16:03AM -0400, Rajiv Vyas wrote:
>>So, are you suggesting that I should go with a Perl book first or a
>>book that is more general and focuses on syntax? From what you are
>>saying and my discussion with few other people, getting the foundation
>>(understanding the logic in this case) right is very  important.
>Well, you really want both the general logic and
>Perl-specific stuff. Without the former, the latter won't
>really make any sense. But then Perl also has a lot of stuff
>that's more specific to the Unix/shell tradition -- e.g.,
>the following command will take whatever is in the variable
>called $foo and replace every instance of 'hot dogs' with
>$foo =~ s/hot dogs/hamburgers/g;
>Few languages other than Perl offer such syntax. So you'll
>need some Perl-specific learning. But you'll also need to
>learn about while loops (loop until a condition is true),
>for loops (loop a specified number of times), if/then/else
>logic, functions, scoping, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm
>not sure whether "Learning Perl" will do that for you. It
>So my advice is: go to a bookstore or a library, take a look
>at "Learning Perl" and the other books that people have
>recommended, and see whether it sinks in. Then come back to
>us if you need more advice. We're glad to help.

May I suggest another way of learning? The way I normaly do it is, I go 
online find out which books, people thinks is good to learn a language, 
and then when I find that book, I go to a website that shows the contect 
of that book and go online(google) and search on that topic, I really 
prefer online, sometimes.

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