How to mount Windows NTFS harddrive in Ubuntu?

Ed Cogburn edcogburn at
Mon Aug 15 15:10:13 UTC 2005

Slabber A wrote:

> Hi, i just started using linux. Tried to mount my windows harddrive in
> Ubuntu, succeede but it would not alow me to view it kept saying i dont
> have permision. This is what i did: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows
> Please help. P.s how do you safely remove a flash drive, cause if you
> unmount it the power to the flash drive is still on.

The way the NTFS driver handles default permissions is more than a little
annoying, because by default only *root* can read a mounted NTFS drive!  
(  You'll need to read mount's man page about the uid, gid, and umask
options for the NTFS filesystem (these options would go in fstab).  What
complicates things is that normally NTFS is read-only so normal umask
settings (002 or 022) won't work (its been a awhile since I had to mess
around with an NTFS though).  IIRC, I ended up setting the gid (group id)
of the NTFS to "users" so my user account could see it, but its been
awhile, so YMMV.  :)

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