New to Ubuntu

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sun Aug 14 09:09:19 UTC 2005

On zo, 2005-08-14 at 12:01 +0300, Audrius wrote:

> 1. How do I install any application when I'm logged in as a user (not
> root user, though I managed to create this account also)? For example
> I need to install JRE so my browser (in this case Firefox) displays me
> Applets. What steps should I perform to acomplish this? In fact I
> installed this on my /usr/java directory when I was logged in as root.
> Maybe there's some civilized way, like switching the users for
> installation tasks or smth.

With sudo you can temporarily become root.

> 2. Suppose I installed JRE in /usr/java. Now I need to set-up my PATH
> environment variable in order applications that uses java cnows where
> to find it. How do I set up environment variables under Ubuntu?

Please install java using .deb files you create yourself or get from the
hoary-extras repository. See

> 3. How do I uninstall applications from Ubuntu? For example I want to
> uninstall Gimp. What steps should I take?

System -> administration -> synaptic
That program should be use for (un)installing software.

> 4. What mp3 player could you guys recomend me. It would be great that
> it's interface would be similiar to winamp. And it's also preferable
> that the installation would be as friendly as possible :)

Installation is almost friendly, you need to enable the universe
repository and before you play a file for the first time, you must set
the beep-media-player output plugin to esound.

> 5. How to place my application's icon in the Applications "menu" (I
> don't really know how it is called)?

You can use smeg for menu editing
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor normale mensen:
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