Looking for more Unix Linux

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Sun Aug 14 06:35:27 UTC 2005

Mario Guerra wrote:

>>I really like Ubuntu, but I want to emulate Unix as closely as I can
>>(Without the office and GUI etc). 
>With any ubuntu version you can do that. Install it as a server (type
>"server" at the beginning of the installation.
You can also use Ctrl-Alt-F1 through to Ctrl-Alt-F6 *from* Gnome to 
toggle the other 6 terminals (tty1-6).... tty1 is the console and the 
others are just basic shells... to return to Gnome Ctrl-Alt-F7 is your 

However, I am not sure about this "emulate Unix" concept... if you 
really want a Unix experience then you're probably better forgetting 
Linux altogether and installing Unix or something derived from Unix...

FreeBSD is a Unix operating system that is free and runs on intel 
processors... it is derived from the original Berkeley Unix that was 
released back in the early 70s...


There are also other BSD derivatives out there, but haven't used them 





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