Please Remember Netiquette <snip>

matthew ulist at
Fri Aug 12 19:34:23 UTC 2005

Hakim Singhji Wrote: 
> So what do you do now, are you still coding? If so, what language to you
> make your money using... and which do you prefer to write if not

> one in the same.

No. I haven't coded in a long time. I got to the university and
discovered a whole new world of other stuff I was interested in so I
have done a lot of different things. I started in
engineering/physics/chemistry but because of the general education
requirements I studied literature, humanities, social sciences, and
languages and found I really enjoy those types of subjects. I'm still a
bit of a techno-geek, but only as an amateur. I ended up with a degree
in education, studied many languages (human...not computer programming)
like Spanish and Arabic, and have traveled to various countries on 5
dfferent continents while learning the play the guitar pretty well
along with the bass guitar and a bit of mandolin. Today I am a writer
living in the U.S. trying to find a publisher interested in publishing
a collection of Moroccan Dialectical Arabic humor that I wish to write
and translate for language learners (both from Arabic to English and
from English to Arabic).

I have toyed with the idea of getting back into programming at some
point...maybe some variety of C to start with, but no definite plans at
the moment.


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