Argument list too long

Michael Mauch michael.mauch at
Fri Aug 12 18:49:38 UTC 2005

Eldridge, Michael wrote:

>     -	find's -exec argument will fork() and exec() for each file,
> 	creating a crapload of additional overhead


>     -	using xargs with the default max-lines of 1 will fork() and
> 	exec() for each line of input (only one file per line),
> 	creating a crapload of additional overhead


> using the -L (max-lines) or -n (max-args) options of xargs is the
> best way to go about it in order to reduce the number of processes
> required to complete the task.

You don't need these parameters - xargs is smart enough to calculate the
length of the command line and it knows how long a command line can be.


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