Easiest way to change graphics card?

Paul O'Malley ompaul at eircom.net
Fri Aug 12 06:54:52 UTC 2005

Ari Torhamo wrote:

> Hi,
> My brothers graphics card got broken and I should guide him through
> the installation of the drivers for the new card over the phone. I
> just spent an hour and a half searching for info on how the
> installation should be done (frustrating :-/ and it appears to me that
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is the command to use.


Hi Ari,
This is correct, however your fears are really unfounded. If the card is
reasonably generic (read supported) then the it will be autodetected.
If not then the menu structure is not too bad if you have to go the
other way.
Editing the relevant files by hand is a real pain. If you need to do
this, let the autodetection help you some of the way.


Paul O'Malley

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