Please Remember Netiquette <snip>

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Thu Aug 11 05:38:29 UTC 2005

On 8/10/05, hzs202 at <hzs202 at> wrote:
> If you are not familiar with Netiquette click the link below to browse
> the one of the well-known memos on the subject:

That memo is SO 1995! Several of the concepts are pretty anachronistic
nowadays. Is there a more recent, yet authoritative Netiquette
document to point to?

[Unfortunately the long URLs are broken badly so you can't even click
to see the historic documents in web, ftp and gopherspace. And when I
reassemble this US House of Representatives gopher URL for example,
the server resolves in Firefox but no document comes up after a
reasonable time...
gopher://  Do you
think if I called the US House's IT people and tell them their gopher
server is down, do you think they would transfer me to the lawn
maintenance department?]

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