New Lappy Success!! to Dennis Kaarsemaker

Frank Hahn fhahn at
Wed Aug 10 18:15:34 UTC 2005

On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 04:14:03PM +0200, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> atheros worked out of the box for me, only wpa and 802.1x
> authentication are a pain, but that's not atheros specific. The
> second hotkey from the left toggles the blue led, and with it the
> atheros and the bluetooth receiver. Make sure that it's on.
> For the hotkeys I did the following:
> sudo gedit /etc/init/
> just before the line that says exit 0 (at the bottom) you add a line
> saying:
> setkeycodes e00a 89 e008 90
> Next you create the file .xmodmaprc in your homedir with the following
> contents:
> keycode 0xa0 = F13
> keycode 0xae = F14
> keycode 0xb0 = F15
> keycode 0xd3 = F16
> keycode 128  = F17
> keycode 223  = F18
> You can then use the keys*. With system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts
> (in the gnome menu) you can add functionality to them.

I have a Gateway 7510GZ laptop that I am trying to get the Broadcom
wireless card to work on. I think the problem is the radio on the
wireless card is not coming on and staying on. The key combination to
turn it on under MS Windows is Fn-F2.

These keys under Ubuntu do not seem to do anything. When I issue the
command modprobe ndiswrapper, the wireless light comes on briefly but
then goes back out again.

The same thing happens if I scan for local access points. I tried your
directions above hoping it miht work but still did not see anything.
How do I find out what value o use above when hitting the Fb-F2 key


Frank Hahn

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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