[Breezy] Firefox font problem

Martin Schmeisser schmeissermartin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 18:18:05 UTC 2005

Am Dienstag, den 09.08.2005, 12:17 -0400 schrieb bib:
> hello there.
> The only problem I have is the same than the two previous posts. Even
> the ubuntu wiki search field (on the top left corner) doesn't display
> any text I type  :neutral: so I wish  to report this small issue, which
> seems to be happening to others also. I am on FF 1.0.6  using Hoary
> Hedgehog version (using Gnome)

also kwrite doesnt display text. thats why i didnt file a bug yet...dont
know what to file against

i was unsuccesfull to get any answer to this issue so far, possibly
because of my bad english ;-)

cheers, Martin

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