terminal prompt (name change)

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Tue Aug 9 04:52:44 UTC 2005

Alf-Ivar Holm a écrit :
> Albin Blaschka <albin.blaschka at sbg.ac.at> writes:
>>* type: sudo su
>>* <prompt for password> => Attention: You are now ROOT!
>>* type: nano /etc/hostname (open editor nano with specified file)
> Any reason for not combining these three to:
>  * type: sudo nano /etc/hostname
>  * <prompt for password>
> and thereby not being root afterwards?
>>And yes, here I think you have to reboot to make the changes take
>>effect... ;-()
> If you use the Gnome stuff to change the host name:
> * Choose menu item System -> Administration -> Network
> * <prompt for password>
> * Choose the tab named General
> * Change host name to your liking
> * Press OK
> ... you will get a warning telling you that you have to log in again
> to start new applications.  Ie no need to reboot, which is very
> un-unixy.
>         Affi
If you prefer to edit the files manually, you should also check /etc/hosts.

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