[OT] sudo, why not su?

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sun Aug 7 19:08:13 UTC 2005

On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 02:47:21PM +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
>On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> we got to discussing, and another colleague said that OSX doesn't have a
>> root password and uses 'su' with pam to give root access to users. (Is
>> that correct?)
>MacOSX uses 'sudo'.  (Via the Security Services, rather than PAM).

Good to know. I don't have a Mac myself so I had no way of checking his

>> The main reason I could think of was that su+pam results in no password
>> being needed while sudo requires the password of the current user.
>Sudo can be configured in either mode;  however, having a line with
>'NOPASSWD:' set for all commands would be considered bad security

That would mean that I get sudo to behave like su+pam. It's the exact
opposite of what I asked, even thought it's good to know the possibility

>>A second reason might be that sudo has more fine-grained configuration
>'Sudo' provides fine-grained control over which user can execute which
>commands, as which other user, on which machine.

Yes, that's a really big pro of 'sudo'. I had forgotten about that.

>> So, all I am wondering is if there is a way to get 'su' to ask for the
>> caller's password before granting root privileges.
>You are required identify *yourself*, by providing something that only you
>know (and not a password that is shared with anyone else). This helps
>prevent an unauthorised user walking up to a logged-in machine and
>deleting or trojaning programs.

For sudo I have to *authenticate* myself then the tool checks that I
have authorization to run a specific command with elevated privileges.
This is done by entering my own password (at least in all configurations
I've seen).

For su I have to *authenticate* as root, i.e. enter root's password. In
most configurations su won't require root to enter his own password
('auth sufficient pam_rootok.so'), it is possible to configure it in
such a way that if a user is member of a specific group then the user
don't need to enter root's password ('auth sufficient pam_wheel.so

AFAICS you still haven't answered my original question. I don't know if
it's because English isn't my native language but I'm finding it
_really_ frustrating that I keep on getting answers to questions I don't

I'll try to be even more explicit:

I install Ubuntu. I create one user during the install, let's call the
user 'usr1', with the password 'pwd1'. As part of the install an entry
is added in /etc/sudoers:

 usr1  ALL=(ALL) ALL

As a result of this 'usr1' can run commands that require root
privileges. He does it like this:

 usr1$ sudo cmd
 Password: <pwd1>

If there is a root password (say 'rootpwd') then 'usr1' can use 'su' to
run commands that require root privileges:

 usr1$ su -c cmd
 Password: <rootpwd>

Now, what I wonder is if there is a way to set up your system such that
the following is possible:

 usr1$ su -c cmd
 Password: <pwd1>

I.e. that the user provides his own password rather than root's password
to 'su'.

>> If there isn't then sudo has a real advantage over su.
>'Sudo' provides a huge number of advantages.  This is why Ubuntu and other
>modern Unix operating systems use it.  IIRC, Microsoft are switching to the
>same ('sudo'-style) security model in the next release of Windows.

Yes, I've read about that as well. But, will they add a 'sudo' or stick
to 'su'? I don't know. They already have 'su' (Run As...), they might
just make that a more central feature.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at therning.org

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