Epiphany Key Bindings

Russell Cook bike_oz at yahoo.com.au
Wed Aug 3 11:26:01 UTC 2005

hmmm just restarted X with editable menu accelerators turned off and I
still have the same problem.

On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 13:49 +1000, James Livingston wrote:

> On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 19:43 +1000, Russell Cook wrote:
> > Somehow I've stuffed up my Epiphany key bindings. Whenever I hit "x"
> > not "X" only "x" in Epiphany, it opens a new window. My other Ubuntu
> > machine doesn't do it but I don't know where to fix it. Anyone with a
> > bright idea out there for me?
> I did the same thing recently - I'd turned on editable menu accelerators
> (Preferences->Menus and Toolbars) and then accidently hit "S" while over
> the new window menu item. Although you probably haven't turned that on,
> it can't hurt to check.
> Cheers,
> James "Doc" Livingston 

Kind Regards Russell
Linux user #369094

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