Deleting Trash can

Andy Choens gunksta at
Sat Apr 30 02:45:26 UTC 2005

> But on the Gnome Bar, the Trash Icon STILL looks full, and opening it
> shows a directory that I can't delete. When I open /home/marc/.Trash
> with my permisssions or root's the folder is empty (OB)...


> I don't understand this. Isn't the /home/marc/.Trash the same as the
> Trash icon on my desktop?

Yep.  What is the name of this mysterious directory that it shows? 
What do yo uget from a ls -a ?


> How do I delete the content of my Trash bin, since my /home/marc/.Trash
> is empty?

Dumb idea, but try right clicking the image and sayingempty trash,
maybe that will make it happy.

Have you tried logging out/in or killing off the gnome-panel and
seeing what it says when it comes back up?

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> Tiede
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