dropping some bootup items

Frank McCormick fmccormick at videotron.ca
Fri Apr 29 21:02:02 UTC 2005

On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:45:11 -0700 (PDT)
someone_u_know <cariley_ja at yahoo.com> wrote:

> In the BSD it is done by editing what's in /etc/rc*
> (like rc.conf, rc.d and so on?)
> If what's in /etc is properly commented you may find
> what you need.
> end

  Yes I knew that - I thought there would be an automated GUI way to do
things -- there seems to be for almost everything else --- I ended up
just moving the symlinks to a new directory called "MovedSymlinks" !!
Seems to work fine and now I am not wasting a few megs of memory
running daemons I don't need. 

On a totally UNRELATED topic - anybody know where I can find a deb for
the new 0.7 GNUSound ?? Its a REALLY nice audio editing app, up there
with Audacity and REZound.


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