marillat gpg
Tobias Cloete
tobias at
Fri Apr 29 04:40:55 UTC 2005
Thanx Magnus!!
Tobias Cloete
-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Therning [mailto:magnus at]
Sent: Fri 29/04/2005 00:26
To: ubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: marillat gpg
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 11:55:27PM +0200, Tobias Cloete wrote:
>I've seem to have lost the txt file of the gpg key that someone emailed
>to me a while back.
>I'm behind a corporate firewall and cannot use the following command to
>download the key..
># gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1F41B907
>Can anyone email or post the gpg key?
I have the same problem at work. If you can browse the web at work you
can use a keyserver that listens on port 80. There is one out there, but
I don't have the exact location here (I'm at home at the moment). I
found it searching on Google. Let me know if you don't find it and I'll
send you an email from work tomorrow.
Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at
Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.
I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one
on every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.
-- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
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