Acer TravelMate C300 -- need help w/ wireless, bluetooth, tablet

Adam Brault adambrault at
Fri Apr 29 00:38:30 UTC 2005

First, let me say ubuntu is awesome. I'm using it on my home desktop and laptop.

I am a complete linux n00b (almost).

My laptop is an Acer TravelMate C300 featuring centrino wireless,
bluetooth, and tablet pc functions. I'm having varying degrees of
difficulty with each of those three features.

==1. Wireless (IPW2200)==
- Hide quoted text -

My wireless really seems to be flaking out:
Sometimes it connects at boot, sometimes it doesn't.
If it doesn't connect at boot, it won't connect at all.
If it connects at boot, it will work for awhile then stop.

Someone suggested it might be a problem with the driver and that there
coud be some kind of workaround for it... ???

(This is better by far than Fedora, which *never* got it to work.)

===2. Bluetooth========

When I go to bluetooth manager and search for devices, it gives me a
"searching for devices 5%" and stays there. The system seems to have
bluetooth up and running (it's listed in the device manager) but I
can't get it to detect anything.

===3. tablet pen=======

I've followed the howto here written for setting this laptop up in
linux (but it's written for fedora)
but I'm not sure the instruction (copied below) did anything...

[[quote from]]
We need to setup the tablet as a serial device it is at I/O port
0x06f8. This will force it to happen at boot:
# echo setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x06f8 autoconfig << /etc/rc.d/rc.local
[[quote from]]

Perhaps there's something different I need to do in ubuntu to make this work.

If there is anyone who has a C300 running, I would love to hear from
you about your ubuntu setup.

thanks for any help!

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