warty -> hoary upgrade with KDE?
Thomas Beckett
thomas.beckett at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 11:22:10 UTC 2005
On 4/28/05, David Marsh <lists2005 at viewport.ukfsn.org> wrote:
> I've recently moved and have only just got broadband back, so hopefully
> I've missed the download rush.. :-)
> I'm still running (a slightly non-standard install of) warty, and would
> like to upgrade to hoary.
> I've installed KDE from universe, and am using it as my window
> environment.
> I'd like to upgrade to hoary, but keep KDE as my default window
> environment. What's the best way to proceed?
> Note that I still require GNOME support as I run a number of GNOME apps.
> (To be honest, it's just that for me, KDE still - just - has the edge
> over GNOME as an environment, the only KDE _apps_ that I actually
> regularly use are Konqi (browser windows/sessions restoring on startup
> is nice!), KNewsTicker (killer app) and KCalc ;-)
> Do I need to drop back to text mode to upgrade, or can I do so safely
> from within X/KDE? (Will I end up in a sticky situation if KDE is
> deinstalled as part of a reversion to standard Ubuntu at some point
> during the upgrade? Or will my existing changes from the standard
> install be retained over the upgrade?)
> If I install kubuntu-desktop after the dist-upgrade, will this remove my
> GNOME installation? While I prefer one, I do need the libraries, etc,
> for both!
> Thanks for any advice,
> David.
> --
> David Marsh, <http://www.viewport.co.uk/> / [en, fr, (de)]
> Edinburgh, Scotland. <email valid at time-of-msg> but list reply preferred
> » Don't seem lazy & stupid: Please trim & interleave quotes in replies «
> --
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I have no idea if you can dist-upgrade to a new release from within KE
or Gnome, Ive always sided with caution!
Just hit Alt-f2 - log in - then run:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
then change your /etc/apt/sources file to point to Hoary rather than warty
then run sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
wait a while
get a cup of tea
wait a bit more
you will then be up to date in hoary. It may not be nessecarry to
install kubuntu-desktop but would be a good idea in case some other
bits are installed and to aid future updating.
I actually installed the kubuntu-desktop last night as I was curious
as to how much KDE has changed in in the last 5 years since I used it
(quite nice, but i have a feeling it'll annoy me soon - it also seemed
a little unstable, but im sure its simply due to this being the
kubuntu teams first release and things will come along fine. I do like
the colour scheme, very pleasing). It does not remove gnome at all and
asks you whether you want to use GDM or KDM, the choice is entirely
yours - they both do the same job.
Hope this helped
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