If I uninstall "Ubuntu Gnome" Environment what do I lose?

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 02:32:47 UTC 2005

I'm happiest with my KDE environment, and I never find myself booting
into Gnome at all.
On my laptop disk space is at a premium so I've decided I no longer
need the Gnome desktop environment.
So If I completely remove the  gnome desktop environment what other
apps will i lose with it?
I like many of the GTK apps and don't want them gone, but I also don't
want many of the "gnome games" and other such "useless" (to me at
least) apps.


Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 
"The thing Ubuntu means to me is, I'm glad I didn't get a Debian
Tattoo..." - Matthew Lambie

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