
ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at
Wed Apr 27 23:44:20 UTC 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> Not really, it means that A is a symlink to B but B does not exist.

And Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> I could be mistaken, but I believe that a dangling symlink is a
> symlink pointing to a file that doesn't exist. The way to check this
> would be to do
> ls -la [filename]
> where [filename] is the dangling symlink. Then chase down
> the links and see what's pointing to what.

After I read both your messages, I did a little search and apparently
the two conditions are both considered "dangling links".  I did this
small test to make sure:
        mkdir ~/tmp_dir && cd ~/tmp_dir
        ln -s A B
        ln -s B A
        ln -s dead_link link
        cleanlinks ~/tmp_dir

Look at the output of that (for more information about "cleanlinks" do a
"man cleanlinks").

Thanks for pointing me to my mistake.
(If I was wrong about my conclusions above, please replay and correct!)

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