GNU, Knoppix

Guido Heumann listguido at
Wed Apr 27 18:04:11 UTC 2005

Stefan Walraven schrieb:
> I can't choose between ubuntu or 
> windows. Linux is still on my hdd, but I can't start it any more. 
> A friend told me that I can solve it with knoppix and I have to reinstall the 
> GNU, but he doesn't know exactly how. 
> I hope some of you can help me.
> Thanks!

Hi Stefan,

the thing you have to reinstall is GRUB, not GNU (a somewhat funny
misunderstanding ;-)

I can't tell you exactly how it works, but it's probably related to the
commands "grub-install" and "update-grub" in combination with the config
file /boot/grub/menu.list.

Hope that helps,

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